Dynamic BadAss Bubbles Bike Cleaner

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79,95 ZŁ
Powerful planet-friendly bike cleaner concentrate. Mix with water to create a heavy-duty bike cleaning lemonade. Extremely effective, fast action formula. 100% safe for all bikes and bike parts, matt and glossy finishes and the environment.
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79,95 ZŁ
Dostawa w ciągu 3-10 dni roboczych
Tylko 1 w magazynie
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Opis produktu

Badass Bubbles is an effective, high performance and planet-friendly bike cleaner concentrate. Mix with water to create a heavy-duty cleaning lemonade. Developed with and tested by pro teams riders and mechanics. Use Badass Bubbles with water to create a powerful foam that allows you to easily and safely clean every part of your bike, including the drivetrain. The concentrated formula is optimized to dissolve the most stubborn dirt. Badass Bubbles is 100% carbon safe and planet-friendly. Application: Mix a splash of Badass Bubbles with water to create a bucket of foamy bike cleaner. Apply on your bike and components with a brush, sponge or glove. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with water and your bike looks new again!

Szczegóły produktu


  • 1x Dynamic BadAss Bubbles Bike Cleaner




  • 500 g


  • 0,50 l


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