Canyon Speedmax Monogrip Extension

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1.399,95 ZŁ
Developed with Jan Frodeno, this monogrip design brings your hands together to ensure an aerodynamically optimised hand position on your Canyon Speedmax. Ride like a pro!
Wybierz Marka
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1.399,95 ZŁ
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Canyon Speedmax Monogrip Extension

Aero shifting

Maintain your aerodynamic position when changing gear
Canyon Speedmax Monogrip Extension


Only for the Speedmax SLX (R091) and Speedmax CFR (R085)
Canyon Speedmax Monogrip Extension

Pro proven

Designed for the best
Canyon Speedmax Monogrip Extension

Ride like a pro

Maximise your aerodynamic performance
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Opis produktu

The hand position when using the monogrip design reduces your frontal area, helping you cut through the air and optimise aerodynamics. A shift button is placed on the front of the bar so there is no need to remove your hands to change gear. IMPORTANT: The Canyon Speedmax Monogrip is NOT compatible with bikes in frame size XL.

Szczegóły produktu


  • Canyon


  • 140 g


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