Canyon CLLCTV T-Shirt

139,95 ZŁ
A versatile wardrobe staple for casual wear and urban riding, this T-Shirt is made from 95% organic cotton and 5% polyester with Canyon CLLCTV branding. Represent the CLLCTV in style!
Wybierz Rozmiar
Dostawa: Wybierz Rozmiar
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139,95 ZŁ
Dostawa: Wybierz Rozmiar
Wybierz Rozmiar
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Opis produktu

Featuring a Canyon CLLCTV logo in white, the quality organic cotton material is extra soft and the addition of spandex improves stretch and recovery – so your Canyon tee never loses its fit. This is a must-have addition to your Canyon T-Shirt collection!

Szczegóły produktu


  • 95% Organic Cotton, 5% Polyester


  • Canyon


  • 175 g


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