Dynamic Speed Potion Wax

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44,95 €
Speed Potion Wax is the ultimate bicycle chain coating. A top-grade wax composite containing over 17% friction reducing additives in a unique formula that makes you faster. Speed Potion Wax is extremely durable, provides maximum wear protection and keeps your chain clean. Winner of the Bike Motion Award 2021 in the Improve Performance category.
44,95 €
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  • Pokud nejste na 100% spokojen se zakoupeným zbožím, můžete jej ve lhůtě 30 dní nepoužitý a budou vám vráceny peníze. 30 denní lhůta začíná běžet přijetím zboží a končí jeho naskladněním.
  • Přebíráme zodpovědnost za vadné produkty. Pokud během dvou let od nákup zjistíte, že má zboží nějakou vadu, vyplňte prosím formulář pro reklamaci v sekci Zákaznické Podpory níže.

Popis výrobku

What if fast isn’t fast enough? Speed Potion Wax is the ultimate bicycle chain coating. A top-grade wax composite containing over 17% friction reducing additives in a unique formula that makes you faster. Speed Potion Wax is extremely durable, provides maximum wear protection and keeps your chain clean. Every watt that is lost to friction is one less watt available to power your bike. Don’t let friction stand between you and your goals. Speed Potion Wax is developed together with pro riders and mechanics who’s daily stage is the World Tour. Speed Potion Wax is the fastest lubricant out there. Speed Potion Wax:- makes you faster - is designed for riders who produce above average power - provides for long maintenance intervals - keeps your chain smooth and clean - is long lasting and durable - is developed with pro riders.

Podrobnosti o produktu

Obsah balení

  • 1x Dynamic Speed Potion Wax




  • 100 g


  • 0,10 l

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