Use of Shadow Plus and Typ 2 Derailleurs
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The new Shimano Shadow Plus and SRAM Type 2 derailleurs reduce irritating
slap, and make removing the back wheel simple.Use of Shadow Plus and Typ 2 Derailleurs Shimano
Shimano Shadow Plus rear derailleur
To fit and remove the rear wheel quickly, just pull a small lever is located at the top end of the derailleur cage of all Shadow Plus rear derailleurs. If you turn the lever to the ‘off’ position, the tension on the derailleur spring is reduced, allowing the entire derailleur to be moved more easily. It is now much easier to fit or remove the rear wheel. Image 1
After you have refitted the rear wheel, return the small lever to the ‘on’ position. Image 2 This increases the tension on the derailleur spring, reducing unwanted chain slap.
Use of Shadow Plus and Typ 2 Derailleurs SRAM
SRAM Type 2 rear derailleur
Push the derailleur cage forward to slacken off the chain tension. Hold the derailleur cage in this position, and push the cage lock button. Image 3
The rear derailleur is now locked in this forward position, greatly reducing chain tension. The rear wheel can now be fitted and removed easily. By pushing the derailleur cage forward slightly, the cage lock is deactivated and the derailleur cage moves back into its standard position. Image 4
Tip: Generally, it’s easier to fit and remove the rear wheel when the chain is on the smallest sprocket of the cassette.
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