Canyon GEAR GROOVE SP Connect Mount

157 DKK
Using the SP Connect Phone Mount you can easily mount your smartphone to the CP0039 and CP0048 cockpits. Mobile phone case from SP Connect required (available separately).
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157 DKK
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Highlights Canyon GEAR GROOVE SP Connect Mount

Canyon GEAR GROOVE SP Connect Mount

Easy mounting

Mount can be fastened to the CP0039 and CP0048 Cockpit using the screws provided with the cover
Canyon GEAR GROOVE SP Connect Mount

SP Connect Interface

SP Connect offer an intuitive, simple and quick solution to mounting your phone or bike computer
Canyon GEAR GROOVE SP Connect Mount

Two different positions

Depending on the orientation of the mount, you can choose either portrait or landscape mode for your device
Canyon GEAR GROOVE SP Connect Mount


The perfect match for SP Connect phone case owners
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  • 1x SP Connect Stone, 1 x mount base plate


  • Canyon


  • 7 g



Tekniske ændringer kan forekomme uden varsel. Der tages forbehold for fejl og mangler.

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