Mens cycling shoes

Mens cycling shoes

There are many different models, materials, and technologies in the field of cycling shoes for men. This can have a positive or negative influence on the riding experience. Find your new mens cycling shoes that fit perfectly.

  • 7 articles
  • Canyon Scampr Trail Cycling Shoes
    • Nouveau
    140,95 CHF
  • Canyon Tempr CFR Chaussures off-road
    299,95 CHF
  • Canyon Scampr Trail Cycling Shoes
    • Nouveau
    140,95 CHF
  • Canyon Tempr CFR Chaussures off-road
    299,95 CHF
  • Canyon Tempr CFR Chaussures off-road
    299,95 CHF
  • Canyon Tempr CFR Chaussures vélo route
    Award: Canyon Tempr CFR Road Cycling Shoes
    299,95 CHF
  • Canyon Tempr CFR

    Découvrez toutes les autres chaussures de cyclisme

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Men’s cycling shoes: comfort and efficiency for maximum fun in the saddle

Looking for men’s winter cycling shoes? Want them to be waterproof and compatible with your clipless pedals? Do you like getting out on your road bike or do you need MTB shoes? Whatever your plans, it’s important for your new cycling shoes to offer the perfect fit.

Why is it important to buy the right men’s cycling shoes?

When it comes to enjoying comfortable and efficient cycling experiences, the contact points between the rider and the bike, i.e. the saddle, handlebars and pedals, are key. It’s therefore worth paying particular attention to these parts of your gear. Simply said, cycling shoes have to offer the perfect fit. Only then can you benefit from the most efficient pedal stroke. What’s more, optimally fitting cycling shoes will also help you remain comfortable on longer rides.

How can I find the perfect men’s cycling shoes?

There are many factors that affect your choice of the perfect men’s cycling shoes:

  • Discipline: are you riding a road bike or a mountain bike ?
  • Ride style: do you prefer leisurely rides or are you a KOM hunter?
  • Terrain: do you enjoy relaxed rides on gravel paths or can trails never be technical enough for you?
  • Time of year: are you a fair-weather summer cyclist or do you also head out in winter?

What are the benefits of men’s cycling shoes for clipless pedals?

One of the most important questions you should ask yourself before buying your new cycling shoes is whether you want to use clipless or flat pedals. If you’re a performance-oriented cyclist, clipless pedals offer many advantages for both road and cross-country mountain bikes as the power transfer is simply more efficient. If you prefer more leisurely rides or use your bike for everyday purposes, flat pedals can be the better choice. In technical terrain or on routes with lots of jumps, many riders also tend to prefer pedals without a clipless system. Please note that road bike shoes use a different system to MTB clip-ins. As such, road bike pedals aren’t usually compatible with SPD men’s cycling shoes for mountain bikes. What’s more, shoes for the road bike sector often feature a combination of laces and hook-and-loop straps. If you’re not sure what to choose, we suggest opting for MTB cycling shoes that can be used with both flat and clipless pedals. These offer you maximum flexibility.

Which men’s cycling shoes do I need in winter?

Winter poses particular challenges for both you and your gear. The most important aim is simply not to freeze! Your bike shoes play a key role in this regard. Cold water shouldn’t be able to penetrate them from either above or below. Wind and waterproof materials, such as the well-known Gore-Tex membrane, provide cosy comfort within your cycling shoes. When it’s particularly cold out, cycling shoes with a fleece lining can be a good choice. Alternatively, pull on a pair of neoprene overshoes to keep you warm.

Want to buy men’s cycling shoes and other clothing from Canyon?

Our Canyon online shop offers a wide range of both cycling shoes and cycling clothing, including the Canyon long sleeve MTB jersey, the Canyon rain jacket, the Canyon PrimaLoft cycling jacket and many more items.

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