Canyon Water Bottle

5,95 €
The harder you ride, the more fluid is lost from your body. The Canyon Fuel water bottle, available in 600ml and 750ml sizes, keeps you hydrated and performing at your best. 
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  • Canyon Water Bottle
    Colore: trasparente
  • Prodotto riservato ai membri.
Consegna entro 3-10 giorni lavorativi
Prodotto riservato ai membri.
5,95 €
Consegna entro 3-10 giorni lavorativi
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Punti salienti Canyon Water Bottle

Canyon Water Bottle

Jet valve

Maximum flow through the nozzle without leakage
Canyon Water Bottle

Super squeezable

Lightweight polypropolene construction
Canyon Water Bottle

2 sizes available

600ml & 750ml version
Canyon Water Bottle

Conical shape

The diameter of the Canyon bottle holders is matched to the CANYON FUEL bottles, they have a conical shape for better handling
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Descrizione prodotto

The bottle features a jet valve to ensure no leakage and is fully recyclable. Constructed using lightweight and squeezable polypropene for the cap and body, silicone for the cap ring and TPR for the nozzle, this durable bottle has been tested for impacts from up to 2 metres.

Dettagli prodotto


  • Tapered shape for a snug fit but easy access
  • Jet valve ensures no leakage while drinking on the move
  • FDA approved, BPA-free, odor free, dishwasher-safe
  • Usable in temperatures -2/90+ degrees
  • Made from lightweight polypropene
  • Available with a choice of four different colour cap rings


  • 1 x Canyon Fuel Bottle


  • Canyon


  • 80 g


  • 0,60 l



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