Canyon Pro Tire Lever

5,95 €
Prezzo originale 10,95 €
Risparmi 5 €
An essential item every cyclist should have for his bike(s), the Canyon FIX Tire Levers remove and replace tires on your rims in the event of a puncture.
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5,95 €
Prezzo originale 10,95 €
Risparmi 5 €
Consegna entro 3-10 giorni lavorativi
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Punti salienti Canyon Pro Tire Lever

Canyon Pro Tire Lever

Material & Construction

Tough and super durable composite material in a honeycomb construction
Canyon Pro Tire Lever


Tapered rear for disc brake piston adjustment
Canyon Pro Tire Lever

Tubeless optimized

Valve core removal hole at the end of the tire lever
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Descrizione prodotto

Made from a tough and super durable composite material in a honeycomb construction, these levers achieve perfect tire leverage and are able to get down the worst fitting tire. The tapered rear can be used for disc brake piston adjustment and all tubeless enthusiasts will find a valve core removal hole. Two pairs of magnets on the back of the tire levers fit them together when not in use.

Dettagli prodotto


  • 1x Pair Canyon FIX Tire Lever


  • Canyon


  • 22 g



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