
If you take care of your Canyon properly during the season, you won’t need to do much when storing it for a short time (except keeping it safe from theft). We recommend that you store your Canyon in a dry, well ventilated room. If you want to store your Canyon for the winter, there are a few points you should observe:

  • During long periods of storage, the tubes gradually deflate. If your Canyon is standing on a flat tyre for a longer period, this can damage the tyre, so you should regularly check tyre pressure or hang up your wheels.
  • You should clean your Canyon if it is not in use for a longer period.
  • Remove the and let any moisture in the seat tube and seat post dry off. Spray some oil into the seat post tube. (Not for carbon frames and tubes)
  • Store your Canyon in a dry room.
  • Don’t expose your Canyon to intense sunlight over long periods. This could cause the tyres to start chafing.
  • Shift onto the smallest and into the smallest sprocket at the rear. This relieves the tension on the shift cables.
  • Hydraulic brake lines can attract moisture after a longer period of time. Therefore, after longer periods out of service, you should check that the disc brakes have a tangible biting point and the brake levers can’t be pulled right through until they touch the handlebars. If this is the case, then you’ll need to bleed the brakes.
  • Before riding the bike, check that the and suspension have the correct air pressure.
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