Brake fluid is the means by which the brake lever applies pressure to the brake pad. When pressure is applied, the master cylinder presses the on the disc towards each other, causing the bike to brake. Bikes use either DOT or mineral oil as brake fluid.

Mineral oil has the advantage of being non-toxic and it does not absorb water so quickly. DOT, however, guarantees a more powerful contact point and also has a higher boiling point. In addition, the seals on DOT brakes wear down less quickly than on others.

DOT stands for the American Department of Transportation, which classifies brake fluids as follows:
DOT 3: Boiling point at around 205 °C, dyed yellow
DOT 4: Boiling point at around 230 °C, dyed yellow
DOT 5.1: Boiling point at around 260 °C, dyed yellow

Mineral oil: Boiling poaint at around 190 °C

The brake fluid should be replaced once a year.

Warning: If brake fluid escapes onto bike components, thoroughly clean the affected areas with brake cleaner and check for damage.

Danger: Brake fluid is very aggressive so avoid contact with skin. If brake fluid comes into contact with the brake disc, brake calliper or brake pads, these parts must be cleaned or replaced by a qualified bike mechanic. Wear protective gloves and safety goggles when working with brake fluids.

Danger: Different brake fluids are not compatible with one another! Be sure only to use brake fluid specified by the manufacturer.

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