Order your battery

Batteries will begin shipping in March and will continue to be dispatched regularly until all replacement orders are fulfilled. Delivering replacement batteries to all affected customers at the earliest opportunity remains our highest priority.

  • We need you to give us:
  • some details of your bike
  • your contact and shipping details

귀하의 자전거

귀하의 자전거인가요?

해당 시리얼 넘버의 자전거를 찾을 수 없습니다.

캐니언 고객 서비스 센터에 연락하여 자전거를 확인하시기 바랍니다.

고객 센터에 고객 번호와 자전거 및 주문 내역과 관련된 기타 정보를 알려주셔야 합니다.

Your bike is not affected

Based on the serial number provided, your bike is not affected by the safety notice and therefore not eligible for a replacement battery.

If this is incorrect, please get in touch with our customer service centre. You’ll need to let them know your customer number and any other information relating to the bike and your order.

Battery already ordered

Based on the serial number provided, a replacement battery has already been requested. Remember, batteries will begin shipping in March and will continue to be dispatched regularly until all replacement orders are fulfilled.

If this is incorrect, please get in touch with our customer service centre. You’ll need to let them know your customer number and any other information relating to the bike and your order.

Your shipping address

Make sure the information you provide is accurate and up to date to guarantee a quick response. Make sure to provide us with your customer number.

Your customer number and order number can be found by logging in to your account and also on the original invoice.

Please provide us with your most up to date shipping address

Shipping address
최초 구매자인가요?

입력한 정보가 올바른지 확인하십시오.

변경 사항이 발생하면 모든 정보가 다른 단계에 저장됩니다.

귀하의 데이터를 캐니언에 공유합니다. 이러한 내역은 의도된 목적으로만 사용되며 이후 규정에 따라 삭제됩니다. 수정
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