Crankbrothers Easy Release Cleats

  • Obecnie brak na stanie
65,95 ZŁ
129,95 ZŁ
Oszczędzasz 64 ZŁ
These Crankbrothers Premium Easy Zero Cleats offer a more forgiving 10 degree release angle and 0 degree float to ensure maximum pedalling efficiency and power transfer.
65,95 ZŁ
129,95 ZŁ
Oszczędzasz 64 ZŁ
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Opis produktu

The 10 degree release angle makes pedal entry and release easier for less experienced riders or those new to clipless pedals. Made from ultra strong brass, the Crankbrothers Premium Easy Zero Cleats weigh just 30g.

Szczegóły produktu


  • 10 degree release angle for easier clipping in
  • 0 degree float for maximum pedalling efficiency
  • Made from ultra durable brass


  • 1 x Crankbrothers Premium Easy Zero Cleats


  • Crankbrothers


  • Mosiądz

Swoboda ruchów


  • 30 g


Wyłączenie odpowiedzialności

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