Crankbrothers Premium Zero Float Cleats
Obecnie brak na stanie
93,95 ZŁ
Oryginalna cena
Oszczędzasz 36 ZŁ
Made from solid brass to ensure a crisp entry and exit, these Crankbrothers Premium Zero Cleats are designed for XC racing and offer zero float to deliver maximum pedalling efficiency.
93,95 ZŁ
Oryginalna cena Oszczędzasz 36 ZŁ
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Opis produktu
The reduced float of these cleats results in an ultra firm engagement with the pedal and outstanding power transfer. At 30g, the Crankbrothers Premium Zero Cleats are lightweight too.
Szczegóły produktu
- 0 degree float for maximum pedalling efficiency
- Made from durable brass
- 1 x Crankbrothers Premium Zero Float Cleats
- Crankbrothers
- Mosiądz
Swoboda ruchów
- 0°
- 30 g
Wyłączenie odpowiedzialności
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