Squirt Chain Lube

  • Obecnie brak na stanie
37,95 ZŁ
46,95 ZŁ
Oszczędzasz 9 ZŁ
A wax-based dry chain lubricant that keeps your drivetrain clean, friction-free and efficient, Squirt is the ideal choice for riders hoping to extend the life of their chain and save watts.
37,95 ZŁ
46,95 ZŁ
Oszczędzasz 9 ZŁ
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Opis produktu

To work effectively, Squirt requires the drivetrain to be spotlessly clean and free of any oil, dirt or other contaminants. When applied to a dry chain, Squirt dries, repels dirt and provides a clean, smooth running drivetrain on every ride.

Szczegóły produktu


  • Easy to apply and 100% biodegradable
  • Enhances life of drivetrain and promotes smooth shifting
  • Repels dirt to provide a clean chain, jockey wheels and chainrings


  • 1 x Squirt Chain Lube


  • Squirt Lube


  • 130 g


  • 0,12 l


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