Aviso de segurança - Speedmax CF com um V21 Aerostem
Nesta página encontrarás informações sobre o aviso de segurança atual para a Speedmax CF equipada com o V21 Aerostem. Segue todas as instruções descritas neste aviso de segurança, incluindo parar imediatamente a utilização da tua bicicleta.
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Esta página foi atualizada em: 7 de janeiro de 2025 e o processo de reparação encontra-se agora em curso.
Bicicletas afetadas
- Speedmax CF (R41 / R073) equipadas com V21 Aerostem

Compreender o problema
Descobrimos um problema de segurança no tubo da direção da forqueta da Canyon Speedmax CF equipada com o V21 Aerostem.
É possível que, após um impacto grave ou uma situação de carga elevada, como bater num buraco em velocidade, o tubo da direção da forqueta possa rachar ou partir.
Isto pode fazer com que o cockpit se solte e cause perda de controlo e potenciais lesões no utilizador.
Detalhes da solução e reparação
The inspection and subsequent repair need to be carried out at a Canyon service location by a professional bike mechanic.
The first step is to have the steerer tube inspected. This requires disassembling and removing the stem.
If the steerer tube clamping area is not damaged, a reinforcement of the area will solve the issue and you can use your bike again. If damage is found on the fork steerer tube clamping area, the fork will need to be replaced. The new fork will also receive the reinforcement. Canyon will supply a replacement fork at no additional cost if it is required.
The reinforcement can be achieved in two ways:
• By fitting an updated and redesigned expander which has been developed specifically to solve this issue.
• By bonding a specially designed aluminium sleeve into the fork steerer tube.
The solution your bike will receive depends on what is fastest and most convenient for your location. Both methods are equally effective and designed for the interaction between the fork and the V21 Aerostem. Neither is preferable to the other. The works will not affect any function of the steering assembly or your riding experience.
The repair must use Canyon parts designed specifically for this solution. No other expander or sleeve should be used.
Reservar uma reparação
To have your bike inspected and repaired, you will need to contact a trusted professional mechanic and book an appointment with them.
We will send the repair kit to you from mid December onwards. We are dispatching the repair kits as soon as they arrive with us, and we expect every customer to receive theirs by the end of January. The kit will include any tools or supplies the mechanic will need. We will share a link with you with instructions to forward to your preferred mechanic.
The cost of the inspection and the repair will be covered by Canyon. We will credit you 100 EUR (or the equivalent in your local currency) to cover the cost of the inspection and repair.
Order a repair kit and receive your credit by filling in the form below.
Perguntas Frequentes
Notificámos as respetivas autoridades de vigilância do mercado desta situação e pretendemos trabalhar com elas para te proporcionar o mais alto nível de serviço e segurança.