Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet

  • Nyhet
3.699 SEK
The Disruptr CFR rewrites the rules for pro-level helmet performance – keeping you cool and comfortable when you’re riding at your limit.
  • Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet
    Färg: Vit
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3.699 SEK
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Höjdpunkter: Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet

Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet

Beat the heat

We collaborated with aerodynamic experts to create a wind-tunnel tested shape and vent pattern that helps you move efficiently through the air while staying cool during your hardest efforts.

Faster. Cooler. Quieter.

The innovative HighBar System provides valuable gains in aerodynamics and temperature regulation, while the HighBar arms significantly reduce sound levels at the ears compared to conventional helmet straps.
Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet

The perfect fit

The HighBar System’s unique arms ensure your helmet gets positioned correctly every time you wear it. Plus, the micro-adjustable dial lets you find the perfect fit, which can be easily altered while riding. Securely fasten HighBar under your chin with no more than one finger’s width of space for proper retention and get ready to go.
Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet

Pinnacle protection

The Disruptr CFR features the Mips® Safety System and its rotational impact technology to offer added protection in the event of a collision – without compromising ventilation, comfort, and fit.
Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet

Designed for victory

We analysed every element of the Disruptr CFR design to ensure it met the Canyon Factory Racing standard. From its impressive lightweight construction to the distinctive shape and subtle branding, this helmet is ready for victory at whatever level you ride.
Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet

Light it up

An integrated space in the rear of the helmet accepts a magnetic light, offering enhanced visibility day and night – whether you’re going long on the road or kicking up dust on the trails after dark.

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Testad för framgång

Temperaturreglering är ett av de viktigaste elementen inom alla cykelprestationer. Med hjälp av både vindtunneltester och datoriserad flödesdynamik har vi skapat en ventilationsdesign som är 8,5 % svalare än konkurrenternas hjälmar – vilket hjälper dig att hålla fokus under press.
Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet

Redo att tävla

Som den bärs av mästare har Disruptr CFR designats, utvecklats och testats tillsammans med våra proffsidrottare för att leverera en elithjälm som erbjuder den fördel du behöver för att lyckas. Svalare, bekvämare och redo för de krav som ställs på dina snabbaste turer och tävlingar.

Press och utmärkelser

Design Innovation Award
Design Innovation Award
Med sina smarta, innovativa funktioner och sin puristiska design sätter Canyon Disruptr CFR nya standarder.
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Canyon Disruptr CFR
Canyon Disruptr CFR
Canyon Disruptr CFR
Canyon Disruptr CFR
Canyon Disruptr CFR

Hur du bär och tar hand om din hjälm

  • Produktdetaljer


    • Wind-tunnel tested shape and vent pattern
    • HighBar System provides valuable gains in aerodynamics and temperature regulation
    • HighBar System ensures your helmet gets positioned correctly
    • Mips® Safety System offers added protection without compromising ventilation, comfort, and fit
    • Lightweight construction, distinctive shape & subtle branding
    • Integrated space in the rear of the helmet accepts for Canyon FLASH magnetic rear light


    • 1 x Canyon Disruptr CFR Helmet


    • Canyon


    • 250 g



    Ändringar i den tekniska specifikationen kan ske utan förvarning. Fel och försumelser undantagna.

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