Schwalbe Aerothan 28" 23-28mm Tube for Road

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369 SEK
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Using an innovative material, offering reduced rolling resistance, incredible puncture protection and ultra low weight- the Schwalbe Aerothan Inner Tube redefines the bicycle tube for the modern rider. Constructed using fully recyclable thermoplastic polyurethane, including the valve, this material prevents sudden air loss and is highly heat resistant, ideal for rim brakes and carbon wheels. At an amazing 41g for the 23-28mm size and 50g for the 28-35mm size, the Aerothan is around 40% lighter than a Schwalbe Extra Light butyl inner tube, lowering the weight of your bike and increasing its responsiveness. Offering a stable ride even at low pressures along with an easy installation process, the Aerothan is a high-end tube providing a superb ride.



  • Thermoplastic polyurethane offers low rolling resistance, increased puncture protection and low weight
  • 40% lighter than a Schwalbe Extra Light butyl inner tube
  • Highly heat resistant, ideal for rim brakes and carbon wheels
  • Easy installation process
  • 100% recyclable including valve


  • 1x Schwalbe Aerothan Tube


  • Schwalbe


  • 45 g

Ventil typ

  • Schrader (AV)




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