Mucky Nutz Long MugGuard

309 SEK
The MuckyNutz Long MugGuard fender is the brand’s first venture into the 3D market and perfect for our E-MTBs.
Produkt endast för medlemmar.
309 SEK
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The MugGuard has been designed to prevent clogging from dirt and mud and features a forward lip design to minimise spray and a sharp trailing lip to keep sticky soil away from the tyre. To protect your seal and stanchions from mud and grit, the MugGuard features a wide upper arm profile. Holding the fender in place are six fastenings anchored to the fork, minimising rattling and movement. A Velcro fastening roll is supplied meaning the fender is quick release and can be easily removed or replaced depending on conditions or for ease of transport. Supplied cable ties can also allow for a more permanent mount to your bike.



  • Recessed bridge area for increased tyre clearance
  • Forward lip minimises spray. Sharp trailing edge cuts mud away from tyre
  • Wide upper arm profile protects stanchions and seals
  • Gloss underside finish sheds dirt and cleans easily
  • Customised PP Polymer construction with UV additive for strength and durability in all conditions


  • Long fender 600mm, weight 105g


  • 1 x Mucky Nutz Long MugGuard




  • Plast


  • 105 g




Ändringar i den tekniska specifikationen kan ske utan förvarning. Fel och försumelser undantagna.

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