Canyon Torque:ON Bottle Cage Set

369 SEK
Designed to integrate with the Canyon M124 Torque: ON CF and included with the delivery of the bike, the M124 Bottle Set includes the FUEL Bottle, cage, strap and screw set.
Produkt endast för medlemmar.
369 SEK
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Höjdpunkter: Canyon Torque:ON Bottle Cage Set

Canyon Torque:ON Bottle Cage Set

Custom design

Made for the Torque:ON CF, this bottle integrates seamlessly within the frame
Canyon Torque:ON Bottle Cage Set

Strong hold

Balances ease of handling with a secure grip of the bottle
Canyon Torque:ON Bottle Cage Set


For the roughest terrain, this enhnaces the security of the bottle


To provide the best possible position for the rear suspension, the new M124 Torque:ON CF presents a unique frame design. The split top tube means there is now no space for a traditional water bottle and cage. So, we created a custom bottle, which fits behind the headtube, through the gap in the top tube and into the cage. To ensure the bottle is held is even more securely, we have added a special strap.



  • BPA Free, dishwasher safe
  • Big cap for ease of use and cleaning
  • Polypropolene bottle is super squeezy and fast flowing
  • Cage balances easy handling and secure hold
  • Additional strap ensures bottle is held over roughest terrain


  • 1 Bottle 650ml
  • 1 Bottle Cage Toploader
  • 1 Strap
  • 2 Bolts M5 x 10mm


  • Canyon


  • Plast


  • 155 g


  • 0,65 l



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