Canyon Grail Protection Foil Set

  • Nyhet
729 SEK
This film set was specially developed for the Grail CF. It protects your frame from damage, scratches and the rigours of gravel riding.
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729 SEK
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The film set offers optimum protection for your Grail CF frame. It was specially developed for this purpose and fits Grail CF frames of all sizes. Thanks to the integrated squeegee tool, you can apply the films bubble-free so that your bike is protected quickly and efficiently. We recommend applying protective film to all areas of the frame that come into contact with bags and accessories.



  • The film set protects your Grail CF frame.
  • Versatile fit: It fits Grail CF frames of any size.
  • Simple application: The integrated squeegee tool enables bubble-free application of the films.


  • 1 x Grail protection foil set


  • Canyon


  • 165 g



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