Canyon MTB Bike Guard System

849 SEK
Travelling with your bike has never been so easy!
Produkt endast för medlemmar.
849 SEK
Leverans inom 3-10 arbetsdagar
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  • Om du inte är 100 % nöjd med ditt Gear-köp kan du inom 30 dagar returnera ditt köp och få hela beloppet tillbaka. Observera att artiklarna ska vara oanvända och i orginalförpackning. 30 dagars perioden startar när du mottagit dina varor och gäller fram till retur till oss inom 30 dagar.
  • Vi tar fullt ansvar för defekta produkter. Om du hittar något tillverkningsfel med dina Gear-produkter inom två år från det att du mottagit dem ber vi dig att fylla i garantiformuläret i vår kundservice nedan.
Canyon Transport System
Canyon Transport System
Canyon Transport System
Canyon Transport System
Canyon Transport System


Travelling with your bike is now easy with the new Canyon Bike Guard Transport System, a product specially developed for and in conjunction with our improved Bike Guard, the durable box you receive your Canyon bike in. This lightweight product means riders with heavier bikes or those wanting to carry extra items can travel without fear of exceeding airline weight limits. The system includes a tough water resistant cover with Canyon branding that protects the Bike Guard, a lockable zip closure and seven different handles for ease of use. Also included is a new patented wheel system- four sturdy wheels kept in their own separate bag that clip to the cover, allowing you to easily move your bike through airports and during travel. When in transit, you can keep the wheels in their bag and reattach them to the Bike Guard after landing. Info: The compatibility of the Bike Guards, which are listed below under "Compatibility", refers only to newly shipped bikes.



  • Water resistant, durable cover protects Bike Guard
  • Lockable zipper
  • Patented wheel system- allows wheels to attach to Bike Guard for easy transport before and after flight. Wheels have their own separate bag
  • 7 different handles for ease of use
  • Lightweight system ideal for heavier bikes or riders wanting to carry extra items in their bike box
  • Maximum weight 30kg


  • MTB Bike Guard: L 1590 x W 240 x H 760 mm


  • 1 x Canyon MTB Bike Guard Tansport System
  • Attention: Bike Guard is not included!


  • Canyon


  • 3,685 kg




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