Canyon 5L Dry Bag

189 SEK
When you encounter rain or wet and muddy conditions during your bikepacking adventures, keeping your valuable gear dry is vital. This is where the Canyon LOAD Dry Bag comes in. 
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189 SEK
Leverans inom 3-10 arbetsdagar
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Höjdpunkter: Canyon 5L Dry Bag

Canyon 5L Dry Bag

Special fabric

Waterproof, ultralight and durable fabric
Canyon 5L Dry Bag

Compression relief valve

A special valve placed at the bottom of the bag releases excess air
Canyon 5L Dry Bag

Perfect fit for the Fork Cage

Fits seamlessly with LOAD Fork Cage and also into larger saddle bags or backpacks. Please note: The velcro straps are not included with the Dry Bag but are delivered together with the Canyon Fork Cage.
Canyon 5L Dry Bag


Weighs just 48g
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Made from a lightweight, waterproof fabric that weighs just 48g, this 5L bag fits seamlessly with the LOAD Fork Cage and into larger saddle bags or backpacks. The bag also features a fastening buckle, which can be used as a handle. Please note: The velcro straps are not included with the Dry Bag but are delivered together with the Canyon Fork Cage.



  • Waterproof fabric
  • Lightweight- just 48g
  • Fits seamlessly with LOAD Fork Cage and also into larger saddle bags or backpacks
  • Fastening buckle can also be used as a handle
  • 200 x 380mm


  • 1 x Canyon LOAD 5L Dry Bag


  • Canyon


  • Vattentät


  • 48 g


  • 5,00 l



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