Pathlite vs. Roadlite
Szukasz nowego roweru uniwersalnego, ale nie możesz się zdecydować między Pathlite a Roadlite? Istnieje kilka ważnych różnic, które podkreślamy w tym przeglądzie.

Roadlite to rower miejski , a Pathlite to
rower trekkingowy . Chociaż te dwa typy rowerów mogą wyglądać podobnie pod względem komponentów, istnieją między nimi znaczące różnice.
Roadlite wywodzi się z naszych rowerów szosowych i jest nastawiony na lekkość, zwinność i prędkość na szosie. Pathlite nie oferuje takiego samego poziomu wydajności, ale jest świetnym przykładem wyjątkowej wszechstronności. Jest gotowy na wszystko na drodze i poza nią, od długich wypraw z przygodami po drogach gruntowych i żwirowych po codzienne dojazdy w mieście.

Jakie są różnice?
Chociaż oba rowery są do siebie podobne pod wieloma względami, istnieje kilka kluczowych różnic między serią Pathlite i Roadlite.
Pathlite oferuje świetną jazdę i dobre prowadzenie na asfalcie, ale naprawdę sprawdza się na drogach żwirowych i gruntowych. Dzięki amortyzowanemu widelcowi i szerszym oponom nadaje się do prawie każdego terenu i zapewnia wygodną, elastyczną, wszechstronną i niezawodną jazdę.
Ale jak każde rozwiązanie typu „wszystko w jednym”, Pathlite nie może równać się z absolutnymi osiągami Roadlite na drodze. Dzięki mniejszej wadze, wąskim oponom i ulepszonej aerodynamice Roadlite oferuje doskonałą responsywność, szybkość i zwinność.
Pathlite ma bardziej zrelaksowaną geometrię ramy niż Roadlite. Dłuższa główka ramy umożliwia wygodniejszą pozycję do jazdy na Pathlite, dlatego też górna rura ma większe nachylenie niż prawie pozioma górna rura w Roadlite. To sprawia, że Pathlite więcej wybacza, co jest prawdziwym atutem w terenie. Dla porównania Roadlite jest znacznie bardziej zwrotny i responsywny na drodze.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, rowery trekkingowe, takie jak Pathlite, są bardziej nastawione na stabilność i wygodę niż rowery miejskie, takie jak Roadlite. Wyższy suport zapewnia większy prześwit na nierównym terenie, a większy rozstaw osi zapewnia płynniejszą jazdę.
Wheels & tyres
The Pathlite’s tyres are at least 40 mm wide. Some e-bike versions come with tyres up to 57 mm on rugged wheels. Many riders consider this the perfect balance between on-road efficiency and off-road grip. Wider tyres make the Pathlite a more comfortable ride with greater versatility compared to the Roadlite.
Many road bikes and performance-oriented hybrid bikes also tend to have somewhat wider tyres these days. Thanks to the latest findings on rolling resistance, more and more riders are choosing 28 mm tyres for their road bikes. The Roadlite’s 30 mm tyres (35 mm on the
Roadlite:ON e-bike version ) show significantly lower rolling resistance and optimised on-road performance compared to the Pathlite. But they are no match for the off-road versatility of the Pathlite’s tyres.

What do the two bikes have in common?
Disc brakes as standard
Disc brakes have been firmly established as the right choice on MTBs for many years now. Both our Roadlite and Pathlite ranges have hydraulic disc brakes across the line, providing reliable braking power and control under all conditions.
E-bike versions
The :ON add-on signifies Canyon e-bike models . The additional electrical power of Canyon:ON bikes minimises differences in performance between riders of varying fitness levels. It gives anyone the power they need to fully enjoy difficult, steep terrain.
Both the Roadlite and the Pathlite are available as e-bike versions with pedal assist systems and the right components to handle the additional power. They are called Roadlite:ON and Pathlite:ON , respectively.

The Pathlite is built for all outings that go beyond the pavement. It is fast on any kind of surface, which makes it the perfect bike for exploring gravel paths and easy trails as well as comfortable rides.
Its light aluminium frame is equipped with rugged, lightweight components and features low-maintenance integrated cables and comfortable long-range geometry. With its suspension fork, MTB drivetrain, and 40 mm tyres for low rolling resistance on the road and enough grip on rougher terrain, this bike provides an excellent all-round experience.

An e-bike that’s ready for anything. Whether you ride in the city or countryside, on roads, gravel, or compacted woodland paths, whether you’re out exploring on the weekend or taking the kids to daycare, it’s entirely up to you – the Pathlite:ON was designed for maximum versatility and endless possibilities.
Versatility is key: the Pathlite:ON comes fully equipped with lights, rear rack, fenders, and the option of adding a trailer. Together with its large-volume 57 mm tyres and 100 mm front travel, this makes it the perfect bike to ride anywhere, any time.

Race bike performance paired with the comfort and handling of a flat handlebar: The light-weight Roadlite with its minimalist frame design is the right bike for you if cycling is part of your workout routine or you simply enjoy taking relaxed rides or longer tours on the weekend.
The Roadlite is available with carbon or aluminium frame options: Both the CF models and the AL version offer tried-and-tested Canyon quality and award-winning designs.

A minimalist E-Bike that looks and feel like a conventional bicycle. Weighing in at only 15 kg, the Roadlite:ON is one of the lightest e-city-bikes and combines agile handling with the sporty feel of a fitness bike. Perfect for your workout, a fast ride to work, and extended leisure rides.
The integrated Fazua Evation drive offers 3 different power levels. Thanks to this pedal assist system, the Roadlite:ON boosts your pedalling power up to 25 kph – without any additional resistance when you exceed that speed.

Which bike is the right one for me?
That depends primarily on your specific requirements – and on how much off-road riding you plan on doing.
The Roadlite can’t go everywhere the versatile Pathlite will take you. Instead, it offers unmatched on-road performance, speed, and lightweight agility while being a lot more comfortable than a race bike.
Frequently asked questions
I live in the city and need an sporty bike that I can ride every day – which bike is a better match?
I want to stay in shape – or get in shape – and go on the occasional relaxed pleasure ride.
I commute to work on a regular basis, but also want to go on longer tours on the weekends.
Can I also ride the Roadlite on dirt roads?
Which bike has the more sporty geometry, and why?
I’m looking for a fast and agile bike that doesn’t compromise practicality.
I’m looking for the perfect bike for back roads and bike paths.
I want fenders and a bike rack to turn my bike into a fast commuter ride and stay flexible in any kind of weather conditions.
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